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How to Repot Houseplants

Updated: Nov 7, 2021

Some houseplants grow really big over time, which means they'll eventually need a new container. This can be a bit of a hassle; that's exactly why we're sharing some tips and tricks on smooth houseplant transplantation!

If you do this correctly and use the right container size and high quality indoor soil, your houseplants are sure to grow beyond expectations.

How do I know it's time to transplant my houseplant?

As your houseplants grow larger, the roots might start to show through the drainage holes or become bound to the insides of the pot. This is a sign it's time to repot your plants to a larger pot, to give them space to grow in a healthy way. The best time to repot your plants into larger containers is in spring or summer because in this season, the roots have enough time to set in the new container before going dormant for winter.

What pot size do I choose for transplanting?

Before choosing a new container, it's important to keep an eye on the speed of growth. A good rule of thumb is that average to slow growing houseplants require a pot that's about two inches larger in diameter than its current one. A houseplant like monstera deliciosa grows rapidly and needs a pot that is more like three to four inches larger. Choosing the right size pot for your plant ensures your plant will be stable in the new pot while maintaining enough space for continuous growth.

What soil should I use to repot my houseplants?

Using the right kind of soil helps prevent disease and pest problems, so choosing the best indoor soil is the first step to successful plant transplantation. Nurseryland Organic Indoor Potting Soil is specially formulated for indoor plants and contains the right combination of moisture and nutrients for healthy growth. It's a sterilized blend of premium ingredients that is disease, pest and weed free, and therefore keeps your plants healthy and happy in their new pot.

How do I transplant my houseplant?

  1. Start with filling up a quarter of your new container with Nurseryland Indoor Potting Soil.

  2. Place the old pot on its side to ease the root ball out. For bigger plants, you might need an extra pair of hands to help you out with this step.

  3. Place the plant in the centre of your new container filled with soil and then fill the gaps around the sides of the plant with more soil, and then top of the rest of the container until its full. Give it a shake to help the soil you've added compact down a little, and then top up with more soil as needed.

  4. Water in your new plant to prevent air pockets.

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